Sunday 5 November 2017

Arduino Lilypad

Just arrived in the post today is my latest board to add to the collection the Lilypad.

This board is not like others which I have shown you before the Lilypad is an unusual shape ... round.

Much like the Uno or the Nano it has much the same connectivity, digital and analogue and even an ICSP (with out the pins) the differences are with the boards layout and well lack of components!

The Lilypad is a unique variation which allows easy application of "wearable" or "e-clothes" to be developed using conductive thread which can allows some pretty cool things to me made like light up clothing or even something that can detect the wearers environment around them and respond!

The Lilypad has a few different variations in regards to the micro controller, on the official Ardunio site it lists "ATmega168V" and "ATmega328V" but the one that I have is the "Atmega328p" which from what I can tell there is no real difference apart from possibly a lower energy version... but don't quote me on this as they both say the same thing from various sources.

*Let’s get started*

Like normal I'll do the good old drawing on the photo method that has worked well in the past.

In the photos below you will find red, orange and yellow lines around parts of the board that have a corresponding number next to them, these numbers will correspond to a list below with the explanation of the part / interesting information!

Top side:

Red Numbers:

  1. Power pins
  2. Resonator
  3. ICSP (In Circuit Serial Programming) 
  4. Micro controller - Atmel Atmega328p 
  5. TX and RX 
  6. Programming header
  7. Reset switch
Orange Arrows: These are all the digital pins - zero though to thirteen but remember Red No. 5

Yellow Arrows: These are the analogy pins - five in total.

Bottom side:

I will show you the bottom side but there is nothing on it! All you will be able to see if the gold connection points that go though to the other side, not the most exciting thing to view.

Saturday 4 November 2017

Back again, tell a friend!

Hello again,

Its been a while since I last updated this, work and life commitments got in the way and I had to put it all on hold, but I'm back.

Looking at back at the last posting that was way back in August 2015, far to long ago, I introducing my newly purchased Arduino Mega 2560, since then there has been loads of new things going on and total amazing projects that the community has been developing. 

Since I took my hiatus I have still been pottering with all things Arduino and made a few quick breadboard projects that I needed right there and then, on such being a room temperature logger for my office so I had the evidence to prove that it was too bloody hot and we needed an air conditioning unit, I'll recreate the project and show you how I did it!

Also something else new, I'm going to look back on all the old postings and update their content including photos to make them even clearer and fit for this day and age so look out for the revisiting!

Anyway, I hope that you join me once again so lets get making stuff!