
This is a work in progress so it wont look to brilliant right now!

Click the links below for a quick way to get to a posting you want without all the scrolling!

The boards - 

Nano - Like the Uno just smaller

Uno - Normal everybody starting board

Mega 2560 - Like the Uno but with more pins!

LilyPad - Wearable board.

Starter projects - Basic projects to help you get to grips with it all.

Flashing LED - The "Hello World" of the Arduino 

Serial - Computer to Arduino  

Potentiometer, If commands and mapping with LEDs 

LM35 Temperature sensor

Medium projects - Ones to get you thinking a bit more

4511 and a 7 segment - Using BCD to make numbers on a 7 segment LED display

Information - Little bits and bobs of info

The Diagrams - Fritzing - Software which can be used to make PCB, Schematics and breadboard views